Why Are Old Nollywood Legends Always Ending Up Broke And Sick?

Why Are Old Nollywood Legends Always Ending Up Broke And Sick?

About 5years ago, it was speculated Mr Ibu was paid about 80million by GOtv for ambassadorship. And also GLO, about 20-30million. Same with Chiwetalu Agu and some other aging Nollywood stars. Amaechi Muonago had series of advert he got paid for and other contracts, not adding up the pay as an actor.

The question I have asked myself a thousand times is where are all the monies? The deal, the contract etc! Where did they bury it. I am ashamed on behalf of these actors each time they are sick and they appear online for help. Like, what in the blue-hell happened to all they have earned all through the years? Even people who don’t get paid half of what they are paid take care of their health when it is worse. And I ask, did they use the money to train their kids? Fine, their kids should be taking care of them. Or was it house rent? Like, they had no investment with all the millions they are paid? Today, Natty Bruce, the Karat Nollywood karate king died too. Report came he died from the said hardship that has ravaged the Nollywood legends: sickness.

We have had Clem Ohameze came online to beg for help while sick. Ernest Asuzu suffered liver disease and died even after been helped online. James, Obi Madubugwu and the list so long have all come online for help and many of them couldn’t still make it. The question is, are these men not being paid enough to save and invest against those terrible times? Even the ones paid in millions. What happened to the money? Please don’t get me wrong. I am not judging these men, not even a spite. I am making a statement for our youths who have future. You have to start saving and investing no matter the amount of money you make now. You have to be deliberate about this. I don’t know who is reading this but please, in the name of God you serve, start saving and diversifying your income, the grass does not remain greener always. There are times it withers.

By social analyst

-Duru ositadinma Micheal

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