As Goyder says his long goodbye, Qantas’ search for experienced leaders gets underway

As Goyder says his long goodbye, Qantas’ search for experienced leaders gets underway

A cursory glance at Qantas’ senior leadership team highlights an alarming lack of people with any real experience running an airline.

(Image: Gorkie/Private Media)
(Image: Gorkie/Private Media)

Qantas chair Richard Goyder may soon be thinking twice about his hubristic decision to hang around so long as he begins his 12-month valedictory slither out of the airline’s directors’ suite following a litany of failures.

While still juggling time-consuming roles as the chair of Woodside, the Australian Football League, the Western Australian Symphony Orchestra and the Channel 7 Telethon Trust — as well as travelling back and forth between his Perth home and the east coast — Goyder must find a suitable replacement. He must also find directors to replace him and two other “retiring” directors with more airline experience than has been the case at Qantas on his watch.

Meanwhile the company’s new senior management team, under Vanessa Hudson, does not look fit for purpose.

Read more about the Qantas board’s lack of airline experience…

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About the Author

Michael Sainsbury — South-East Asia Correspondent

Michael Sainsbury

South-East Asia Correspondent @sainsburychina

Michael Sainsbury is a journalist based in Asia with more than 20 years’ experience writing about business, business politics and human rights across Australia and the Asia-Pacific.

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