We worship, rather than conquer nature (4), By Sunday Adelaja

We worship, rather than conquer nature (4), By Sunday Adelaja

Another aspect of the earth which God has given to our dominion is the word under the earth. We should never think of becoming afraid of anything on the earth or under the earth. They are under our authority. We are the lords and ruler of everything on the earth and under the earth. Our attitude must be that of God and His creation, for we represent God to manage the earth for Him.

Genesis chapter 2 talks about the land under the earth where there is gold, bdellium, onyx stones, minerals, etc. These mineral resources under the earth are supposed to be for the benefit of man to explore and maximise. Our dominion must be extended to the bowels of the earth.

The petroleum industry today has really benefited a lot of nations including my country Nigeria with the riches from exploring the sub soil of the earth. Countries with natural resources like Russia, America, South Africa, owe their wealth largely to the fact that they were able to explore the riches of the earth. Every country under the sun could do the same thing. With the right biblical world view, it becomes clear that no nation should be poor. No country is deprived in God’s wisdom.  We only need to follow His injunctions according to His word.

If we will truly believe Him that we are not an inferior segment of creation, but rather the superior part of creation, then we have the faith to go take what belongs to us. I pray that Africa will hear this my cry and reject the world view that seeks to make man to tolerate, appease or worship creation. Man is not to worship any other thing other than the creator. We are rather to rule over all aspects of creation. Let us go out with the message of liberation, that we were created to be the crown and jewel of all creation.


Let us shout it on the mountain tops that we have power and authority over all natural phenomenon. Let us publish it to the hearing of our children that we have been given the authority to subdue natural disasters and catastrophes. May this message go out to set free our young generation so that they can go out with new fervor, and proclaim the lordship of God and man over all of His creation.

 No Dominion Over Man

Another aspect of that Genesis 1:26 we must pay attention to is the fact that of all the things man was given dominion over, there is one thing that is missing. That missing element in the list of what we have authority over is our FELLOW MAN. We have the right and authority to rule and reign over all of God’s creation except over another man. No human is given the authority to lord it over another man. This explains the reason why human being either male or female was not included in that list of who man should rule over.

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“…but Jesus called them to Himself and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and those who are great exercise authority over them. Yet it shall not be so among you; but whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant.  And whoever desires to be first among you, let him be your slave” Matt 20:25-27

If Africa is to rise from her knees, we must change our world view of deriving pleasure from ruling over other people. It is again a paganistic world view to life. In this kingdom however, leaders and heads of organizations, structures, must proof their headship by their service to their fellow men. Dominance in this kingdom is never to be exerted over man, only over nature. Men must be loved, men must be lifted and men must be supported, man could be led, but not governed. This is a very important thing that Africa must revisit if we are to enjoy growth and development.

Yes, honor must be present especially for the elders, but not only. The Bible tells us that we must honor all men. So in this kingdom, we don’t just honor the leaders, the elder or the powerful, everybody must honor each other. All men must be honored. All men must be honored for the glory of God to be fully manifested through all.

Whenever we begin to rule or assert authority over other human beings, we reduce the glory of God. We limit God’s potential. We ridicule God’s image. We make a mockery of God’s design. 

It is my hope that this message comes across as it was intended. A nation or continent that must experience true growth and civilization must recognize the fact that nature is not to be worshiped but conquered. Let us set ourselves free from the world view that says the opposite. Let us embrace the fact that our creator has set us free to manifest His nature and His likeness upon the earth.

Therefore let us explore, rule, conquer and manage the earth for the King of kings and the Lord of lords!!!

Sunday Adelaja is a Nigeria born leader, transformation strategist, pastor and innovator. He was based in Kiev Ukraine

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