St. Louis Marriage Therapy, LLC Introduces Comprehensive Couples Intimacy Therapy Program

St. Louis Marriage Therapy, LLC Introduces Comprehensive Couples Intimacy Therapy Program

St. Louis, Missouri – November 10, 2023 – St. Louis Marriage Therapy, LLC proudly introduces its dedicated program designed to cater to the unique needs of those facing intimacy challenges. Recognizing that a satisfying physical relationship is paramount for emotional and physical well-being, the office offers specialized couples intimacy therapy to navigate the myriad challenges couples may face.

Intimacy problems can stem from various causes, from physical constraints to emotional barriers. St. Louis Marriage Therapy provides comprehensive solutions to a spectrum of concerns such as intimacy issues, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, orgasm difficulties, and the challenge of rebuilding the spark in relationships. Recognizing that painful intimacy and penetration disorders can be deeply distressing, the therapy ensures empathetic assistance for such concerns.

Further addressing modern-day relationship problems, the company offers solutions for couples grappling with intimacy-less marriages, intimacy relationship boredom, depression and anxiety surrounding intimacy, infidelity, and the heavy burdens of past buse and trauma.

“For many issues, the best approach is engaging in intimacy therapy as a couple. Even if one partner faces a specific problem, couple dynamics often influence the resolution. The therapy ensures that both partners have strategies to enhance their intimate life,” explains Angela Skurtu, M.Ed., LMFT, at St. Louis Marriage Therapy. The therapeutic process includes actionable homework assignments, strength training exercises, and essential skills to foster open intimacy communication.

While couples therapy remains the cornerstone, St. Louis Marriage Therapy, LLC also recognizes the individual’s unique challenges. Those grappling with intimacy concerns in the absence of a partner can find solace in individualized therapy. An individual may start the therapeutic journey alone, especially if they’re not ready to include their partner or if they’re single. The therapy offers a sanctuary to address concerns that might hinder them from seeking a relationship.

“Every individual deserves fulfilling intimacy in their life. Our individual therapy sessions are tailored to address the person’s specific problems, offering exercises to enhance intimate functioning,” adds therapist Angela Skurtu.

Ultimately, the end goal for both couples and individual therapy is to help clients achieve a healthy, satisfying, and fulfilling intimate life. St. Louis Marriage Therapy is deeply committed to ensuring that everyone, regardless of their relationship status, finds the guidance and support they need to navigate and overcome intimacy challenges.

“Intimacy  is a vital aspect of human existence. It’s time we address its issues with the seriousness and expertise they deserve,” states Angela Skurtu, M.Ed., LMFT, emphasizing the need for specialized therapeutic interventions in the realm of intimacy.

For those seeking to understand, improve, or rejuvenate their intimate relationships, now is the time. With Angela’s expert guidance and the comprehensive offerings at St. Louis Marriage Therapy, a fulfilling intimate life is within reach. As Angela often emphasizes, “Make a commitment to no resentment.” Make a commitment to your intimate well-being today.

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