Sports Minister Mustapha Ussif launches Citi TV-Ghana Athletics powered NISAC

Sports Minister Mustapha Ussif launches Citi TV-Ghana Athletics powered NISAC

Minister of Youth and Sports, Mustapha Ussif, has officially launched the National Invitational Schools Athletics Championship (NISAC).

This comes on the back of Citi TV signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Ghana Athletics last month to promote athletics in Ghana.

The NISAC is scheduled to be held in Accra from February 5 to February 9, with athletes from over 40 senior high schools expected to compete in the championship.

The launch took place at a brief ceremony at the Ministry of Youth and Sports in the presence of Ghana Athletics President Bawa Fuesini, CEO of Ghana Athletics Philipina Frimpong, LOC Chairman of the 13th African Games, Dr. Kwaku Ofosu-Asare, Citi TV Business Development Manager, Omane Mensah-Bonsu, and Citi TV’s Head of Sports, Benjamin Nketsia.

The upcoming athletics event is also geared towards increasing awareness of the African Games scheduled to be held in Ghana from March 8 to March 23.

Speaking at the event, Mr. Ussif lauded the initiative and added that the competition will be held at the refurbished University of Ghana Stadium.

“The new facility that we have just constructed at the University of Ghana will be used to host such a championship,” he said.

On his part, Citi TV’s Head of Sports, Benjamin Nketsia, said the partnership with Ghana Athletics for the NISAC is the birth of “something beautiful.”

“We cannot underestimate the potential of athletics. We hope that we will start producing world champions in droves, and today will be the birth of something beautiful.”

For Ghana Athletics’ President Bawa Fuseini, the NISAC, “is a very important milestone in the development of athletics in regards to school sports. School sports are the bedrock on which athletics is built upon.”

Next month’s NISAC is expected to have over 500 athletes in action.


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