SAD NEWS: 150 Year Old Zaria Central Mosque Collapses In Kaduna Killing 8, Injuring 25

SAD NEWS: 150 Year Old Zaria Central Mosque Collapses In Kaduna Killing 8, Injuring 25

In a heart-wrenching turn of events, a segment of the iconic Zaria Central Mosque, a historical structure that has stood tall for over 150 years, gave way during a prayer session, leading to the unfortunate demise of eight worshippers and leaving 25 injured…..CONTINUE READING

Sources indicate that the tragic incident occurred on Friday around 4 pm, coinciding with the Asr prayer time, one of the five prayers devout Muslims observe daily. This news has caused a nationwide stir and immense grief, given the mosque’s historical significance and the tragic timing of the collapse.

One of the survivors, Mallam Shehu Nagari, provided a harrowing account of the unfortunate event. According to him, they were deep in prayer, specifically during the second Sujud of the Asr, when the ground beneath them shook and the portion of the mosque right above them crumbled. Mallam Nagari stated that before they could grasp the situation, the rubble from the collapse, mainly aged mud from the structure that was constructed more than a century and a half ago, buried several worshippers.

Though the scale and extent of the disaster are clear, the exact number of victims remain uncertain. Mallam Nagari, still in shock, expressed that as of now, an accurate count of the victims couldn’t be ascertained.

Shedding more light on the incident, the Emir of Zazzau, Mallam Ahmed Nuhu Bamalli, also confirmed the horrific accident. Expressing his sorrow and concern, he mentioned that they had noticed a fissure in the mosque’s wall the previous day. Plans were already underway to deploy a team of civil engineers to mend the crack. Regrettably, the mosque did not hold up long enough for those repairs to commence.

In the wake of the tragedy, the Emir has implored worshippers to refrain from praying within the mosque until all necessary repairs have been completed, ensuring the safety of all. Demonstrating his deep empathy and concern, he announced that a funeral prayer for the deceased would be held later that evening at 8.30 pm within the palace premises.

In an official statement, the Kaduna State Police Command confirmed the death toll and the number of injured from the incident. Mohammed Jalige, the police spokesperson for the state, while discussing the unfortunate event, mentioned, “The incident happened and, tragically, eight souls were lost while 25 individuals were rescued post the catastrophe.”

Highlighting the next steps, he informed that the State Commissioner of Police has mandated a comprehensive investigation into this disaster. The aim is to discern the root cause behind the collapse of such a historic edifice. Presently, from the information gleaned, the section of the mosque was an ancient structure established during the reign of one of the past emirs. Even subsequent renovations of the mosque over the decades did not involve dismantling this centuries-old segment.

The Zaria Central Mosque collapse is not just a tragedy for the families of those affected, but it also serves as a wake-up call regarding the preservation and maintenance of historic structures. The incident has sparked nationwide discussions about the balance between preserving heritage and ensuring safety, especially in spaces that see regular public use…..CONTINUE READING

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