Prince William felt one personal attack by Prince Harry was ‘lowest of the low’

Prince William felt one personal attack by Prince Harry was ‘lowest of the low’

Prince Harry

The Prince suggested other male Royals had only married women who ‘fit the mould’ (Image: Getty)

Prince William was left hurt by a comment from Prince Harry about royal marriage, labelling it the “lowest of the low”, a new book claims.

Robert Hardman’s biography of the King, titled Charles III: New King, New Court. The Inside Story, claims William was particularly offended by Harry’s attacks on his wife Kate.

Harry made a series of attacks on the Princess in his novel Spare – but one remark in particular got under the heir’s skin, the book says. The Duke of Sussex’s remark that male members of the Royal Family only marry women who “fit the mould” was the “lowest of the low” to Prince William, a chapter of the book to be revealed in the Daily Mail tomorrow will say.

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In the first episode of the couple’s Netflix docuseries, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex reflected on the early days of their romance as well as their quick connection. Meghan, as an American actress who had been married before, was not the typical royal bride-to-be.

“I think for so many people in the family, especially obviously the men, there can be a temptation or an urge to marry someone who would fit the mold, as opposed to somebody who you are perhaps destined to be with,” Harry said.

“The difference between making decisions with your head or your heart,” He added. Referring to Princess Diana, he said: “And my mom certainly made most of her decisions, if not all of them, from her heart. And I am my mother’s son.”

Speaking to the Daily Mail, royal biographer Robert Jobson contended that Harry’s claim was “simply not true.”

Prince William and Princess Kate

Prince William felt the implication about Kate was the ‘lowest of the low’ (Image: Getty)

He said: “To say the King and Prince of Wales don’t love their wives and only married them because they fitted the mould is simply not true. I don’t think it was particularly necessary.

“The Queen and Prince Philip married for love. Harry is putting one and one together and making five.

“His mother and father, Diana and Charles was an issue. But I think there was love there at the start but that marriage was doomed unfortunately.

“There was affection but Charles loved somebody else. Ultimately I don’t think it’s true what Harry is saying.

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“Edward married for Love. Andrew married for love so I don’t get what point he is making.”

While other commentators have pointed out that Kate herself also didn’t perfectly “fit the mould” and struggled during her early years in the Royal Family for her middle class status.

While in Spare, Harry wrote how Kate asked for an apology from Meghan when she accused her of having “baby brain” following the birth of Prince Louis and that Kate “grimaced” when Meghan borrowed her lipgloss.

According to royal expert and author Katie Nicholl, this has led to a complete breakdown of Kate and Harry’s relationship as the princess is “very disappointed”.

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