Mingtiandi APAC Logistics Forum 2024

Mingtiandi APAC Logistics Forum 2024

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Mingtiandi Asia Logistics Forum 2024Having attracted almost 20,000 views since its launch in 2020 with an exclusive interview with ESR chairman Jeffrey Perlman, the Mingtiandi Logistics Forum is set to continue to bring together the industry’s top decision-makers in June 2024.

The four-part forum, which has previously featured industry giants including GLP, APG Asset Management, CPPIB, Frasers Property and more, this year will be taking a look at industrial strategies across Greater China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia.

Tune in to Asia’s top gathering of logistics real estate leaders and get direct insights from leading developers, fund managers and advisors as they share their expertise live on MTD TV.

Past Speakers


Spotlight Interview with Market Leader in Logistics

Tuesday 11 June 2024, 10:00 AM  – 10:45 AM HKT

Mingtiandi’s Logistics Forum kicks off with a spotlight interview featuring a single leading industry player.


  • To be announced

Panel: Logistics Investment in Greater China

Thursday 13 June 2024, 10:00 AM  – 11:00 AM HKT

The growth of e-commerce continues to power opportunities in the region’s largest economy, with logistics leaders joining to discuss new trends and challenges.


  • To be announced

Panel: Logistics Investment in Japan and Korea

Tuesday 18 June 2024, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM HKT

Japan offers stable returns, high liquidity and a robust financial market which has made it a top choice for core investors and Korea’s affluent population and rapid e-commerce growth have made the country a key development market for international players.


  • To be announced

Panel: Logistics Investment in Asia’s Emerging Markets 

Thursday 20 June 2024, 10:00 AM  – 11:00 AM HKT

With the growth of e-commerce and consumer spending, Southeast Asia and India have emerged as major targets for logistics strategies, with developers, fund managers, and advisors joining to explore the potential of Asia’s fastest growing markets.


  • To be announced

Join the Logistics Conversation

You can share your company’s message with our community at the 2024 Asia Logistics Forum by sponsoring the event.

For more information, please contact us at [email protected].

Note: Sponsorship packages will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis with limited availability.

Event Registration

Registration for Mingtiandi’s online events will be available in 2024. Subscribe to our email newsletter to stay updated.

MTD TV Archives

Archives of past MTD TV shows can be found here.

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