How the Toronto Star & CBC Exposed Ticketmaster’s Secret Scalper Program
Show notes
Robert Cribb
Marco Chown Oved
This is a conversation we’re really looking forward to sharing. Toronto Star investigative reporters Robert Cribb and Marco Chown Oved both join the podcast to discuss their joint investigation with the CBC into Ticketmaster’s deceptive sales practices, as well as its close business relationship with scalpers and how that has evolved. Robert and Marco, together with their partners at the CBC, have been investigating the ticket scalping industry for a couple of years, but a pair of stories they published about three weeks ago have really caused a lot of outrage among music and sports fans, and have also led to a class-action lawsuit and increased scrutiny from governments in Canada, the U.S., and Europe. In this extensive conversation, Marco and Robert take us behind the scenes of this investigation that has rocked the live entertainment industry.