ADC, DFC sign $50m partnership agreement for ICT infrastructure in Ghana

ADC, DFC sign $50m partnership agreement for ICT infrastructure in Ghana

 The Africa Data Centre (ADC) has signed a $50million partnership with the Internation­al Development Finance Corporation (DFC) to help a hyperscale Information Communication Technology (ICT) infrastructure in Ghana.

The agreement, which is a sequel to the DFC financing commitment of $300million for the digital trans­formation agenda of the continent, is set to make Ghana a critical hub for safe, secure and trusted Infor­mation Communication Technolo­gy (ICT) network in West Africa.

As part of the agreement, ADC, a business of Cassava Technolo­gies and a Pan-African technology group, will leverage 15 per cent of the $50million to construct a first-of-its-kind data centre in Ghana.

At a brief signing-in ceremony in Accra on Thursday, the U.S Ambassador to Ghana, Ms Virginia Palmer, said technological advance­ment and digitalisation had become the lifeblood of innovation and progress, fuelling economic growth as well as driving entrepreneurship.

She said technological ad­vancement and digitalisation were enhancing the world’s collective ability to solving the most pressing global challenges.

“Their transformative power im­proves access to education, health care, and government services,” she said.

Ms Palmer noted that innovators in Ghana, and across the continent, were embracing technology and using it creatively to generate op­portunities and drive development.

“Ghana is harnessing the poten­tial of the digital economy, and we applaud its vision and commitment to building a strong digital ecosys­tem. It is a testament to Ghana’s focus on creating an environment that fosters innovation, attracts investment, and empowers its peo­ple,” she emphasised.

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of DFC, Scot Nathan, said the DFC’s work with the ADC through the $300million financing had provided the support to create critical hubs for safe, secure, trust­ed ICT networks on the continent.

He explained that the data cen­tres could help attract data-driven companies looking for a foothold or to expand their operations in growing African economies.

Mr Nathan said markets with trusted technology and dependable data storage were magnets for busi­nesses that created jobs and oppor­tunity in high-growth sectors.

“When this data centre is operational, it will help to enable development and economic growth here in Accra, for communities across the country, and in the wid­er region,” he stressed.

He said DFC’s commitment to strengthen this kind of ICT infra­structure in Africa was in keeping with President Biden and the G7’s larger commitment as part of PGI to mobilise private capital for high quality infrastructure investment that will improve people’s lives.

Mr Nathan said safe, secure, and open information technology networks were a critical foundation for the development of any vi­brant, innovative economy, as well as a vital part of the infrastructure that allowed a dynamic private sector to grow and thrive.

“At DFC, we prioritise trans­actions that provide high quality infrastructure to communities, whether that means modernising a seaport, an airport, or safe and secure digital networks,” he said.

On his part, the Chief Financial Officer for ADC, Finhai Munzara, said Africa as a whole currently re­quired more than 1,000mega watts of data centre capacity from the under 200mega watts it required some few years ago.

He explained that the DFC had already supported ADC’s devel­opment of this critical infrastruc­ture in Kenya and South Africa as part of its ambitious plans to reach 10 of the Continent’s major economic hub, and helping ADC and our parent company, Cassava Technologies, to meet its vision of a digitally-connected future that would ensure no African was left behind.

Mr Munzara said the ADC planned to deliver up to 30MW of IT capacity in multiple phases within the Ghana Trade Fair site.

He noted that the site provided the ADC with a unique opportu­nity to deliver the critical hyper­scale IT infrastructure in a secure, central location within the City limits; and close to key Connectivi­ty Infrastructure.


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